Gay pride miami night dj

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“Ding Darling Wild Life Refuge, Captiva Island Sightings can include a large variety of wading birds and shorebirds, raccoons, marsh rabbits, alligators and occasionally otters and bobcats. (Except Friday, to give wildlife a day off!) The Indigo Trail and the Bailey Tract are the trails still open. “DING” DARLING WILDLIFE REFUGE – You can still drive, hike or bike through the four-mile wildlife drive every day. When: The second and fourth Friday night of every month for the rest of the year It’s all part of a street bazaar fashioned after the famous Temple Street in Hong Kong. NIGHT MARKET AT DANIA POINTE – When the sun goes down, farmers will have already laid out their produce, craft makers will already have set out their handmade, homemade and remade merchandise and a local musician begins to set the scene for the night.

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